
Fire extinguisher maintenance and filling

(Fire extinguishers and maintenance of equipment in working condition, in accordance with the LR LVS 332; 446; requirements)

1.1. Annual maintenance

Annual maintenance of every type of fire extinguisher includes the following services:
● Checking the equipment according to the manufacturer’s technical passport;
● visual assessment of the external equipment parts (hull paint quality and possible traces of corrosion, connection status);
● weighing of the carbon dioxide extinguishers ,
● checking of the free flow rate for exhaust nozzles or hoses;
● constant pressure testing of the fire extinguisher working pressure in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. In case of any fire extinguisher head, pressure indicator, hull damage, drop in pressure or other damage, fire extinguisher must be dismantled and depending on the nature of the failure, it must be repaired or parts replaced, and fire extinguisher refilled. If necessary, extinguisher hull coloration has to be restored.

1.2. Biennial maintenance

Technical inspection of fire extinguisher volume every two years (with the exception of carbon dioxide extinguishers):
● Checking the working capacity of fire extinguishers constant pressure by venting them to the cyclone and then disassembling;
● Powder, water and foam fire extinguishers with driving gas cans get disassembled, to check the driving gas cans (weight, color);
● Extinguishing agent must be replaced for fire extinguishers that use water with additives or water and foam concentrate mixture.

1.3. Refilling

Fire extinguisher has to be refilled every time it has been used, regardless of the filling period or whether the extinguishing agent is or is not used up completely.

1.4. Hydraulic testing

Hydraulic tests for the casing of a powder, foam and water fire extinguisher is carried out every 10 years, or when the manufacturer’s warranty expires. Further testing has to be carried out every 5 years (carbon dioxide extinguishers). Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher casing and exhaust hose test, at the test pressure has to be carried out once every five years in accordance with Latvian Republic existing legislative requirements for the inspection of pressure vessels.
(BS 332: 2003 “Fire‐extinguisher maintenance to ensure operation ready state”)

Fire water supply valve check and hose binding, rewinding

“167.p. Fire hydrants and their equipment have to be checked once a year. Test results have to be recorded in the Internal fire water supply hydrant and equipment inspection journal (8. attachment )”

Evacuation plan development

For sites which may hold more than 50 people an evacuation plan must be developed in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Regulations and the Latvian national standard, LVS 446, requirements. Evacuation plans must be placed in places where they are easily available, visible and understandable. Contact our experts and order the evacuation plan. It will be set up in accordance with all the legal requirements, printed in your chosen format and posted throughout the premises in as many copies as it is necessary for compliance with the legal requirements. We prepare evacuation plans in A2, A3 and A4 formats, as well as larger, non‐standard sizes. If it is needed, we can also make especially big and non‐standard format evacuation plans, so it can be seen from many meters away.

Fire protection documentation development (or plan of action in case of fire).

Fire protection instructions.

Fire protection standards require that the facility must have instructions that are designed and approved by the fire safety. Fire safety regulations are also responsible for the requirements of the fire safety instructions. Ltd “Iskada” offers the development of fire safety instructions, as well as non‐standard, fire safety instructions for small facilities. The development of this document requires knowledge of specific, concrete issues about the fire safety, so we advise you to choose a secure document development by Ltd “Iskada”.Your company’s fire safety documentation will be flawless and the documents will meet all the legal requirements.

Plan of action in case of fire

Fire safety regulations state that the facilities which may hold more than 50 people or objects where explosions might occur (except residential buildings) have to have a developed plan of action, as well as once a year,according to the plan, organize practical classes.
We provide both the plan of action and a practical training according to your convenience .
Your company documentation will be in good order and the staff will be fully aware of how to act in an emergency.
If your site meets the requirements of an explosion threat environment , we suggest you to get the plan of action developed by us, Ltd. “Iskada”. You will get fully complete, precise plan of action in case of fire and you will be sure of the accuracy of this document. We also carry out exercises in accordance with the plan of action in case of fire. Everyone in your facility will know how to act in case of fire.

Fire safety inspection of your facility.

In order to ensure that the fire safety and fire safety status is in compliance with the laws and regulations, it is necessary to periodically inspect the facility’s fire safety and assess the fire safety’s condition. Fire safety’s condition of exploitable facilities is regulated by Latvian governing fire safety laws, as well as a variety of Latvian and European standards. The following things must be carried out in the assessment of a facility’s fire condition assessment :
● the technical evaluation of the project’s documentation,
● fire protection system compliance with the laws and regulations check,
● the fire fighting equipment conformity assessment,
● site assessment,
● evaluation of the facility’s space,
● the fire safety documentation of the facility’s space.

Ltd “Iskada” carries out fire safety inspection of the facility, takes fire safety assessment and prepares a report on the facility’s fire safety’s condition throughout Latvia. To make a full assessment of the fire safety in a facility Ltd “Iskada” fire condition inspections of a facility involve several experts: fire protection system technics, fire‐safety and fire‐fighting equipment specialists.